Library 201

Monday, May 29, 2006


For the last blog assignment I chose to watch the movie Chocolat. I had never seen it before because it did not seem interesting. However, I really enjoyed it after watching it for this assignment. The movie was about a woman named Vianne and her daughter who open a chocolate shop in a small French village in France. Due to this, many moral issues arise among the community. The town is very conservative and do not approve of the chocolate shop being run on Sundays. The chocolate shop is also opened during Lent which creates some skepticism among the town members. However, after the town members discover Vianne's chocolates they realize how good it is and begin to love it. They also grow to love Vianne because she is such a warm-loving person. Through her chocolate shop, Vianne teaches the people of the town how to love and accept others while finding love in her own life.

I thought this movie showed great connection between people and food. Without food, life would be pretty dull. Food is a big part of our culture and it helps people come together just like it did in Chocolat. For example, when celebrating holidays or hosting events, food is always the main center of attention. Also, people usually get together by meeting for coffee, lunch or dinner.
It is also interesting how people have connections to certain foods. Eating can be something that makes us happy. I definitley look forward to my meals each day and I often think about what I will eat. Good food makes me happy…especially chocolate.

In the review I found, the critic was not in favor of the movie. He feels that all the movie is trying to claim is that “chocolate is the new sex, or maybe that sex is the new chocolate.” I also thought this about the movie but since I enjoy romantic comedy it didn’t bother me. The critic also claims that the book is a feel good bestseller and the movie does not match up. I have not read the book but since most books are way better than the movie I would not doubt this claim.

Movie Review:

Peter Bradshaw "Friday Review: Quality Street it Ain't:Even Juliette Binoche Cannot Redeem Lasse Hallstrom's Sticky, Soft-Centered Confection, Says Peter Bradshaw: Film of The Week: Chocolat 2/5 Stars Dir: Lasse Hallstrom With: Juliette Binoche et al. 112 Mins, Cert 12" The Guardian. 2 Mar 2001. ProQuest Newspaper 28 May 2006.


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